Keep up to date with news from Gamma Gurus — Competitions
Where did the time go??? Only 3 days to PiMP!
There are only three days left to get your images into the 2017 Photography in Medical Physics (PiMP) competition. But, that's plenty as you only need to get out the cameras (phones, webcams etc.) and have fun! There is also a special incentive this year as selected art will be displayed at MONA during the annual EPSM dinner! We look forward to your submissions. Details are at:
Only one more week to get PiMP'd!
Announcements Competitions PiMP
There is just one more week until the deadline for the 2016 Photography in Medical Physics competition. Get your submissions ready (up to 5 images), pick a category for each image (P – Professionals at work, O – Other exciting aspects of Medical Physics, M – Macro: Get up close and personal with Medical Physics) and send the images to largest dimension: 2000 pixels colour space: sRGB file name including your name, category and image title as “PeterCanon O GammaWhatGamma.jpg” Complete rules are on the website: and on FB We much look forward to your submissions!
PiMP Submissions Still Open!
Announcements Competitions PiMP
Once again, Gamma Gurus is very proud to be the sponsor the Photography in Medical Physics (PiMP) competition in conjunction with the ACPSEM. Deadline for submissions is 31 July 2016 17:00 and details can be found at Get your submissions in and good luck!
Photography in Medical Physics "PiMP" competition winners announced!
Gamma Gurus would like to congratulate all the winners in the annual Photography in Medical Physics "PiMP" competition. As usual there were some amazing entries showing off the artistic talent out there in the Physics community with the category winners listed below. Be sure to check out all their artistic efforts at Category: Professionals at work 1st place – Duncan Butler ” Pinpoint Alignment” 2nd place – Kristie Harrison “After Hours Physicist” Equal 3rd place – Elizabeth Kyriakou “LaBella Fantasma” Equal 3rd place – Talia Jarema – “The super-hero gig is a bit slow these days – retraining” Category: Macro – Get up...
Vote in the 2015 Photography in Medical Physics "PiMP" competition
It’s time for people’s choice voting in the 2015 Photography in Medical Physics competition. Everybody can vote for their top three images. Votes from ACPSEM members and staff will count for the coveted “Public PiMP Award”. will close on Tuesday 10 Nov. More details are at: