MRI only radiotherapy planning using MriPlanner
Spectronic Medical provides AI driven technology to enhance radiotherapy by enabling MRI as the primary imaging modality
MriPlanner is a unique product that creates synthetic CT images with organs-at-risk delineations from standard MR images. The synthetic CT images reliably replaces conventional CT throughout all steps in the prostate radiotherapy workflow. MriPlanner improves treatment quality by eliminating the need for multimodal image registration and by opening the doors for personalized treatment strategies.
- High quality synthetic CT images generated from MRI using the Statistical Decomposition Algorithm.
- Provides automated delineations of organs at risk (OAR) using advanced machine learning technology.
- Requires only a single standard T2 weighted MRI. Same type of image as is used for target and OAR definition.
- Synthetic CT images both for dose calculations and patient positioning. Also with support for fiducial markers.
- Low start-up cost. No additional hardware and no site-specific template material required.
- Compatible with all modern MRI scanners and treatment planning systems.
- Seamless integration with any radiotherapy workflow using standardized DICOM communication.

MRI with delineations generated by MriPlanner

Synthetic CT generated by MriPlanner
LinkClient cloud based installation
MriPlanner can be easily integrated with any clinical treatment planning workflow through the cloud based LinkClient solution. A LinkClient DICOM node is installed at the hospital network, which receives images from the MRI scanner and forwards them to MriPlanner. After processing, synthetic CT with delineations are directly returned to the treatment planning system. All images are automatically encrypted and de-identified by the LinkClient software, prior to leaving the hospital network.

MRI only radiotherapy planning in all anatomical regions
MriPlanner is currently regulatory approved (CE-marked) for clinical usage with prostate cancer. However, MriPlanner is continuously developed and improved towards the ultimate goal of being able to provide MRI only radiotherapy planning in all anatomical regions where it may provide a clinical benefit. Currently, MriPlanner is running in a research setting for brain and head-neck radiotherapy planning, which will undergo clinical evaluation shortly. If you are looking for a future proof solution for your MRI-only radiotherapy planning ambitions, MriPlanner is the right choice for you.

Clinically verified in a multi center environment
MRI only prostate radiotherapy planning using MriPlanner was evaluated in a comprehensive Swedish multicenter study. DVH parameters for target and OARs were compared between synthetic CT and conventional CT. In addition, CBCT based patient positioning using synthetic CT was evaluated.

Difference in calculated mean doses (±1 S.D.) between conventional and synthetic CT for 62 patients. Relative dose difference is described as fraction of nominal target dose (range 64-78 Gy).

Difference in registered patient position (±1 S.D.) between conventional and synthetic CT when bone-matched to 24 separate CBCT images for 8 patients.
AI driven technology
In order to achieve the best possible automated delineations, the MriPlanner technology utilizes a ground breaking AI platform. Highly complex deep-learning neural networks in combination with cutting edge image processing algorithms, enables OAR delineations that are excellent starting points for your treatment planning procedure. By providing the automated contours as conventional RT structs, we assure full compatibility with all treatment planning systems on the market.