Isomed Dose calibrator
Well type ionisation chamber for measurement of total activity
Our dose calibrator is designed for the fast and accurate determination of the activity or volume activity of radiopharmaceuticals.
The well-type ionisation chamber can be used for all potential applications in nuclear medicine and radiopharmaceutical production.
The dose calibrator is PC-based and comes with control and evaluation software. The system is used in nuclear medicine for diagnostics and therapy, it is calibrated for most common radionuclides, including the RSO nuclides (Y-90, Er-169, Re-186, …) and the PET nuclides (e.g. F-18, Ga-68, C-11, I-124, …).
The measurement geometry is almost 4Pi. Background is automatically measured and compensated. Absolute activity is automatically calculated for more than 30 nuclides
The system has a USB connection and the software considers influencing factors for containers (e.g. syringe, eluate bottle, capsule) and contents.
The dose calibrator is a certified medical device class II b.
Our dose calibrator is designed for the fast and accurate determination of the activity or volume activity of radiopharmaceuticals.
The well-type ionisation chamber can be used for all potential applications in nuclear medicine and radiopharmaceutical production.
The dose calibrator is PC-based and comes with control and evaluation software. The system is used in nuclear medicine for diagnostics and therapy, it is calibrated for most common radionuclides, including the RSO nuclides (Y-90, Er-169, Re-186, …) and the PET nuclides (e.g. F-18, Ga-68, C-11, I-124, …).
The measurement geometry is almost 4Pi. Background is automatically measured and compensated. Absolute activity is automatically calculated for more than 30 nuclides
The system has a USB connection and the software considers influencing factors for containers (e.g. syringe, eluate bottle, capsule) and contents.
The dose calibrator is a certified medical device class II b.