Spectrum Dynamics Medical
Specifically designed as an affordable entry into digital based solid-state Cadmium Zinc Telluride (CZT) myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) for institutions wishing to transition from an older, analog (Nal Anger) cardiac scanner. It also has the unique ability to be upgradeable to quantitative diagnostic applications, including dynamic imaging, at a later time.
Digital SPECT MPI has been shown to add significant value in terms of patient exam image quality, radiation dose reduction, procedure speed, and new advanced applications.
Like the others in the D-SPECT® family, D-SPECT VISTA offers flexible scan positioning – including upright, semi-upright, and supine, as well as a 1,000-pound chair weight limit.
- improvements in image quality with digital technology, workflow, dose management, and patient comfort are some of the key benefits to be experienced with VISTA
D-SPECT VISTA was designed to be flexible and fiscally responsible for the end user, offering both relevant options and an upgrade path. Options include the company’s new Emission Map Attenuation Correction Option (EMAC) technology, which uses patient SPECT data to generate emission map for attenuation correction, improving image quality and diagnostic accuracy. Users have the potential for a stress-only scan solution within 30-minute appointments. VISTA users can upgrade to D-SPECT CARDIO for dynamic clinical applications such as coronary flow reserve (CFR) quantitative analysis.
D-SPECT VISTA is the key for a cost-effective transition from analog to digital cardiac MPI imaging, providing long-term cost of ownership advantages with its upgradability to add new features and functionality as expanded needs arise.
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