Spectrum Dynamics Medical



Nothing Gets Closer

Introducing 360° Body Contour Scanning

With 360 degree detector coverage, and unique proximity sensors providing 3X volumetric sensitivity vs current technologies, no other nuclear medicine system is able to get as close as VERITON.


360 contouring

The new VERITON® was designed with the three dimensional human body in mind. It uses 12 independent detector arms to provide 360 degree coverage. By surrounding the patient with detectors, photon detection is maximized and image quality is enhanced compared to traditional dual head arrays.

Amplify the Impact of CZT

The VERITION® system, enabled by the 360 degree contouring allows for maximized patient throughput; getting two 3D SPECT whole body bone scans in the same time as a traditional planar study with SPECT or static follow-up examination. CZT detectors, with their higher photon sensitivity, allow for decreased scan times and/or reduced doses in nuclear MPI studies. In addition to 3x the volumetric sensitivity compared to sodium iodide systems ensures photon capture and diagnostic detail.

Built for Image quality: Cardiac, Bones, Neuro

Maximum Economic Value

VERITON’s® ability to double the scanning speed in many applications, with fully 3D SPECT whole-body imaging, allows users to double patient throughput as well as reduce down-stream patient treatment times saving overall patient and departmental time with significant cost reductions.

Full Spectrum Productivity

The VERITON system opens up an intriguing array of financial opportunities. Institutions can sell redundant systems, increase patient throughput and add new revenue generating activities.

Integrated Image Processing Software to Simplify Workflow

With the power of a customized MIM software version, MIM-SD, built directly into the VERITON®system, technologists have the opportunity to streamline their workflow and maximize their time with more focus on the patient. Additional vendor neutral MIM modules available as well.

  • Automated ROI (region of interest) generation through customizable workows
  • Ability to save sessions for faster review by physicians
  • Ability to add and edit ROIs after the technologist processes a session

  • MIM integrated




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